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50 年来,KRIWAN 一直专注于保护工业机器和系统免受过载和操作故障的影响。今天,KRIWAN 是制冷压缩机电子和传感器技术、电动机绕组保护温度传感器和工业天气测量技术的全球市场领导者。

KRIWAN 在 Forchtenberg 拥有 200 多名员工,在中国、法国、意大利、奥地利、美国和巴西设有子公司,活跃于全球。KRIWAN 所有传感器、监控、控制和诊断电子产品都完全在 Forchtenberg 工厂生产。

作为先驱者和创新领导者,独立的家族企业 KRIWAN 自 1968 年成立以来一直在不断开发新理念,并将其实施到为其客户定制的经济型产品和系统中。自 1997 年以来,KRIWAN 在 Forchtenberg 运营了一个测试中心,来自世界各地的公司可以在这里测试他们的产品和新开发。

For 50 years, KRIWAN has specialised in protecting industrial machines and systems against overload and operational failure. Today, KRIWAN is the world market leader in electronics and sensor technology for refrigerant compressors, temperature sensors for electric motor winding protection and in industrial weather measurement technology. 

With over 200 employees in Forchtenberg and subsidiaries in China, France, Italy, Austria, the USA and Brazil, KRIWAN is active worldwide. All sensor, monitoring, control and diagnostic electronics products are manufactured entirely at the Forchtenberg location. 

As a pioneer and innovation leader, the independent family-owned company KRIWAN has been continuously developing new ideas since its foundation in 1968 and implements them in economical and customised products and systems for its customers. Since 1997, KRIWAN has operated a test centre in Forchtenberg, where companies from all over the world can put their products and new developments to the test.


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